
Uno Vita AS din distributør av effektive helseprodukter i Norge

Over 20 merker og produsenter i vår portefølje i tillegg til Uno Vitas egneutviklede produkter
Hensikten med produktene er å underbygge grunnprinsippene i vårt behandlingskonsept ved Klinikk for integrert medisin, så vel som andre klinikker som arbeider ved og styrke kroppen på en naturlig måte bidrar til bedre helse hos klienten. Syv hovedårsaker til at kroppen og immunsystemet ikke fungerer godt som forårsaker at spenningen over cellemembranen synker under normalen ("batteriene" har for lite spenning til å gjøre en god jobb) og dermed "sykdom" Følgende syv elementer er de som skaper mest forstyrrelse for elektrisk balansert kommunikasjon i kroppen. 

Du er elektrisk. Kroppen din er et elektrisk system, og funksjonen i alle celler er 100 % avhengig av at ditt elektriske system fungerer og at kommunikasjonen går uforstyrret. Essensiell elektromagnetisk kommunikasjon i kroppen blir påvirket av alle elektriske felt, for eksempel jordens egne «frekvenser», solstråling og mobiltelefoner.


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Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 med mitrokondia støtte (200 mg)

Kr  984,- Fra Kr  935,-

Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 med mitrokondia støtte (200 mg) 30 kapsler
Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enhanced Mitochondrial Support™ is formulated with ubiquinol, a highly bioavailable form of coenzyme Q10 nutrient, and augmented with the adaptogen PrimaVie® shilajit, clinically shown to further increase CoQ10 absorption, promote cardiovascular health, and help restore youthful cellular energy.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Ubiquinol CoQ10 absorbs up to 8 times better than ubiquinone CoQ10
  • Promotes cellular energy production in heart, brain and muscle tissue
  • Provides superior cardiovascular and antioxidant support
  • PrimaVie® shilajit enhances mitochondrial CoQ10 absorption

CoQ10 for heart health and cellular energy
CoQ10 (or coenzyme Q10) is an essential nutrient your body requires for healthy mitochondrial function, a process that produces body energy at the cellular level.1 Because of this, it makes sense that CoQ10 is concentrated in high-energy organs such as your brain,2 liver, kidneys, and (most importantly) your heart.CoQ10 also has powerful antioxidant properties, protecting important proteins and mitochondrial DNA6 from oxidative damage.Unfortunately, CoQ10 levels in your body deplete over time.

Natural and unnatural causes of CoQ10 depletion
As we age, CoQ10 levels in our body naturally decrease. What’s more, popular statin drugs which are used to lower cholesterol, can also deplete CoQ10 levels in the blood and potentially in tissue.And while statins have been shown to reduce plasma CoQ10 by nearly 40%,9 the normal aging process may be even worse: reducing CoQ10 levels in the heart muscle wall by as much as 72%.10

Improved bioavailability: ubiquinol and shilajit
The traditional form of CoQ10, ubiquinone, is difficult for the body to absorb. But another form, ubiquinol, has been shown to absorb up to 8 times greater than ubiquinone. That’s why Life Extension offers a highly bioavailable form of ubiquinol CoQ10 in a patented delivery system with superior absorption levels.

Shilajit enhances CoQ10 effectiveness
PrimaVie® shilajit is an adaptogen shown to promote mitochondrial metabolism, helping mitochondria convert fats and sugars into ATP — the main source of cellular energy. When combined with ubiquinol CoQ10, it has been clinically shown to double levels of CoQ10 in the mitochondria.Shilajit prolongs CoQ10’s efficacy at the cellular level by stabilizing it in its ubiquinol form and facilitates greater cellular energy output by improving delivery of CoQ10 into the mitochondria. In middle-aged mice, ubiquinol was up to 40% more effective at slowing measurements of aging compared to ubiquinone.In another preliminary study in mice, the combination of CoQ10 and shilajit produced a 56% increase in cellular energy production in the brain — 40% better than CoQ10 alone. Muscle tissue saw a 144% increase, which was 27% better than with CoQ10 by itself.

Breakthrough longevity and cellular energy formula
Research supports the value of this unique combination of ubiquinol CoQ10 and shilajit. That’s why we’ve created Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enhanced Mitochondrial Support™, to create a powerful synergy that supports heart health and youthful cellular energy production better than CoQ10 alone. For younger consumers or people with no known heart health issues, we recommend a daily CoQ10 supplement with at least 100 mg of ultra-absorbable ubiquinol CoQ10. For older customers or those with heart health concerns, we recommend 200 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 per day. We also offer 50 mg CoQ10 supplements for those who wish to take a lower dose or who wish to spread their CoQ10 intake throughout the day. This supplement contains 200 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 per softgel.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. Kan være helseskadelig for barn og unge under 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Om ikke er angitt er anbefalt dosering 1 oppgitt enhet (tablett, kapsle, teskje, pose, dråpe eller sprut) annenhver dag.
Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom. 


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Super ubikinol CoQ10 (100 mg)

Kr  934,- Fra Kr  888,-

Super ubikinol CoQ10
60 kapsler – 100 mg

  • Bidrar til bedre hjertefunksjon og blodomløp
  • Nødvendig for mitokondrienes ATP-produksjon
  • Viktig antioksidant i cellemembranene

Mitokondrier er små organeller i cellevæsken der energimolekylet ATP dannes. Koenzym Q10 (Q10) frakter hydrogen i respirasjonskjeden og er nødvendig for all produksjon av ATP. Q10 bidrar til å danne ATP fra nedbryting av fettsyrer og pyrodruesyre (fra glukose) i Krebs-syklus, det oksygenkrevende energistoffskiftet. Siden produksjonen av Q10 blir lavere med alderen, anbefaler mange leger daglige tilskudd. Q10 i optimale mengder bidrar til at mitokondriene fungerer effektivt, samtidig som molekylet beskytter proteiner, fettstoffer og DNA mot oksidasjon.

Stadig flere tar tilskudd av Q10 blant annet fordi noen kolesterolsenkende medikamenter (statiner) hemmer produksjonen. Imidlertid kan aldring også redusere produksjon av Q10. Kombinasjonen av aldring og bruk av statiner kan føre til alvorlig mangel på Q10. Siden Q10 vanligvis er vanskelig å absorbere, bør man velge et Q10-tilskudd som gir dokumentert godt opptak i blodet. Hos alvorlig syke pasienter har ubikinon-varianten av Q10 vist seg å være lite effektiv, mens ubiquinol har vist å kunne gi kliniske forbedringer.

Vitenskapelige studier viser at ubikinol absorberer opptil 8 ganger bedre enn ubikinon og også gir høyere blodnivå. Studier som måler treningsindusert tretthet, har vist at ubikinol er 90% mer effektivt enn ubikinon. Forsøk med middelaldrende mus viste at ubikinol 40% mer effektivt bremser aldringsprosesser. Life Extension tilbyr høyt biotilgjengelig ubikinol Q10 i en patentert variant som absorberes meget godt.

Serveringsstørrelse: 1 myk kapsel
Kapsler pr. boks: 60
Innhold pr. kapsel:
- Kcal 10
- Kcal fra fett 10
- Total fettinnhold 1 g

Ubikinol (som Kaneka QH®, en redusert form av Q10) 100 mg
Andre ingredienser: saflorolje, gelatin, glyserin, bivoks, lecitin, renset vann, polyglycerolfettsyreester, karamellfarge. Produktet inneholder rester av soya.
Kaneka QH ® er et registrert varemerke for Kaneka Corporation.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. Kan være helseskadelig for barn og unge under 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege.
Om ikke er angitt er anbefalt dosering 1 oppgitt enhet (tablett, kapsle, teskje, pose, dråpe eller sprut) pr. dag
Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.

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Super R-Lipoic Acid (60)

Kr  787,- Fra Kr  748,-

Super R-Lipoic Acid (240 mg, 60 vegetarian capsules)
Best-selling protection against oxidative stress

Reap the youthful cellular energy benefits of our best-selling, highly bioavailable Super R-Lipoic Acid, a stable form of this powerful antioxidant. Published studies have shown the critical importance of lipoic acid in cellular energy maintenance, and our best-selling Super R-Lipoic Acid provides more of the active "R" form than conventional alpha-lipoic acid products.

The sodium salt of R-lipoic acid, which is the form used in Super R-Lipoic Acid, achieves 10-30 times higher peak blood levels than pure R-lipoic acid.
Super R-Lipoic Acid Benefits

  • Supports healthy mitochondrial function
  • Preserves youthful cellular energy
  • Helps protect against oxidative stress

Next Generation Antioxidant
Through dedicated research and development, a highly absorbable form of R-lipoic acid has been discovered, and it is an antioxidant powerhouse. Through an innovative process, the biologically active “R” form of lipoic acid is converted to sodium-R-lipoate, which in a human study, achieved higher peak blood levels than pure R-lipoic acid.

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Super Omega-3 pluss (120 kapsler)

Kr  836,- Fra Kr  795,-

Life Extension: Super Omega-3 pluss (120 kapsler)
Forskere har lenge kjent til fordelene forbundet med omega-3-fettsyrer, men nå har nyere forskning gitt overraskende resultater: Omega-3 fettsyrer fra forskjellige kilder har komplementære fordeler i hele kroppen. Som del av OMEGA FOUNDATIONS®-serien har Super Omega-3 Plus EPA/DHA med lignaner fra sesamfrø, olivenekstrakt, astaxantin og omega-3 fettsyrer fra krill og fiskeolje til sammen enda bedre virkninger for hjerte- og karsystemet og hjernen enn isolerte omega-3-fettsyrer.


  • Gir to komplementære kilder til omega-3-fettsyrer
  • Unik formel beskytter fettsyrene mot harskning ved hjelp av  antioksidanter
  • Sesamfrølignaner beskytter mot oksidering og holder DHA i kroppen stabil
  • Omega-3-fettsyrer er nødvendige for å motvirke omega-6-fettsyredominans

Diettstudier tyder på at mange inntar for mye av proinflammatoriske omega-6- fettsyrer i forhold til omega-3 fettsyrer. Både fiske- og krillolje gir omega-3-fettsyrer og gir bedre omega-6-/omega-3-balanse.
Forskning har vist at omega-3-fettsyrer fra fiskeolje raskere blir bygd inn i triglyserider som sirkulerer i blodet og i blodplatefosfolipider. Tilsvarende blir omega-3-fettsyrer som finnes i krillolje, innarbeidet raskere inn i de røde blodcellens fosfolipider, som raskt absorberes i hjerneceller. Lagd med så ren fiskeolje at de overgår internasjonale standarder.

Anbefalt dosering: 2 myke tabletter

  • Innhold per beholder: 120 kapsler
  • Innhold per porsjon:Energi 25 kcal fra fett 25
  • Totalt fettinnhold 2,5 g
  • Kolesterol < 5 mg
  • Ren olje fra villfisk og Antarktis-krill (Euphausia superba)
  • Oljekonsentrat 2350 mg
  • 750 mg EPA (eikosapentaensyre)
  • 510 mg DHA (dokosaheksaensyre)
  • 50 mg DPA (dokosapentaensyre)
  • 60 mg fosfolipider
  • 200 mg polyfenolje™ fra olivenekstrakt (frukt og blad)
  • [gir 45 mg polyfenoler og 11,25 mg oleuropein og 7,5 mg hydroksityrosol]
  • 5 mg sesamfrølignanekstrakt
  • 2 mg naturlig astaxantin (CO2-ekstrahert fra Haematococcus pluvialis-alger) 

Andre ingredienser: høyt raffinert fiskoljekonsentrat (Alaska-laks), gelatin, glyserin, bivoks, renset vann, silisium, naturlig smak, ekstra jomfruolje, karamellfarge, maltodekstrin, blandete tokoferoler, rosmarinekstrakt.

Inneholder krepsdyr skalldyr (krill). Inneholder ingen GMO-ingredienser. 
Dosering og bruk: Ta to kapsler to ganger daglig med måltider, eller som anbefalt av helsepersonell.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. Kan være helseskadelig for barn og unge under 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd skjer på eget ansvar og risiko. Om ikke annet er angitt av lege, er anbefalt dosering 2 enheter (kapsel) pr. dag

Uno Vita hevder ikke på produktene vi markedsfører, kan kurere sykdom. De som allerede spiser rikelig med fisk og har optimal balanse mellom omega-3- og omega-6-fettsyrer, kan ikke påregne ytterligere bedring.

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Super K (90)

Kr  492,- Fra Kr  467,-

Super K  (90 softgels)
Vitamin K supplement with K1 and two forms of K2

Our Super K combines vitamin K1 with two forms of vitamin K2 in a once-daily vitamin K supplement to help support bone & heart health

What Is Super K?
Super K provides three different kinds of vitamin K. Vitamin K1, the most common form of vitamin K, is typically found in the plant cells of leafy green vegetables and helps support optimal bone health and arterial health. The forms of K2 found in this supplement are MK-7 and MK-4, commonly found in some types of dairy. Support your heart & bone health and get your daily dose of vitamin K today.

Super K Benefits

  • Helps maintain bone health
  • Supports heart & arterial health
  • Contains three forms of vitamin K
  • Supports vascular health by promoting healthy calcium balance

What is vitamin K1?
Vitamin K1 is the most common form of vitamin K. It is found in leafy green vegetables. Vitamin K promotes heart, bone and arterial health.

Why did we add vitamin K2?
Vitamin K2 has been found to be up to 6 times more bioavailable than K1 and to remain active in the body for a longer period of time.

Vitamin K for Lasting Health
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that is known for helping maintain calcium balance in the body. Supporting everything from arterial health to healthy bone density, vitamin K is an important part of maintaining cardiovascular health. Supplementing with Super K provides multiple bioavailable forms of vitamin K that work together to provide comprehensive health benefits.

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Super Bio-Curcumin Turmeric 400mg (60)

Kr  623,- Fra Kr  592,-

Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract (400 mg, 60 vegetarian capsules)
Highly-absorbable curcumin for whole-body health support

Curcumin from turmeric has multiple health benefits. It promotes a healthy inflammatory response, supports immune system function, promotes cardiovascular health, and helps fight oxidative stress.

What Is Super Bio-Curcumin?
Curcumin is a bona-fide super food—but its hard to absorb. So we make our curcumin formula with the highly-absorbable BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin® extract. BCM-95® is up to seven times more absorbable than standard curcumin. BCM-95® stays in your bloodstream longer as well. Curcumin is good for your brain, heart, and immune system. And with BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin® extract, you’ll absorb more of it.

Super Bio-Curcumin® Benefits

  • Offers whole-body health benefits for nearly every organ system
  • Up to seven times more absorbable than standard curcumin
  • Helps inhibit inflammatory factors in joints and vital organs
  • Promotes cardiovascular health, brain health, and immune response
  • Better together: take with Pro Resolving Mediators for maximum health benefits
  • Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract

Why Should I Supplement With Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract?
If you're going to take only one supplement, it should be curcumin. Why? This turmeric extract benefits nearly every organ in your body, especially your brain, heart and your immune system. But, it can be difficult for the body to absorb. That's why our health experts looked to the latest science to formulate our Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract.

Formulated with an ultra-potent curcumin extract that's up to seven times more absorbable than standard curcumin, it remains in the bloodstream almost twice as long so you can absorb the healthy goodness from this golden spice. Support your whole-body health with our highly absorbable curcumin. Try Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract today. Reviewed by Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD: Director of Education and Spokesperson for Life Extension.

Product Details
Super Bio-Curcumin® contains ultra-potent BCM-95®, a curcumin extract found to be up to seven times more absorbable than standard curcumin in a clinical study. BCM-95® remains in the bloodstream longer as well: in this single-dose bioavailability study, BCM-95® absorbed earlier and retained longer than both standard curcumin and a curcumin-lecithin-piperine compound.

Health benefits of curcumin
Inhibits inflammation — Curcumin extract inhibits inflammatory factors like NF-kappaB, which can affect your joints. Curcumin also inhibits the metabolism of arachidonic acid, as well as the activities of cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, and cytokines.

Brain and immune system health — Curcumin extract promotes immune system health by inhibiting inflammatory factors in the body.Curcumin can also benefit your mind. Studies suggest that curcumin supports healthy brain function and offers neuro-protective benefits.

Digestive, joint, and pancreatic health — Evidence suggests that curcumin helps promote healthy bowel function and joint health. Curcumin also supports healthy pancreatic function by encouraging pancreatic islet health.

Antioxidant support — Curcumin provides antioxidant protection.Curcumin also promotes cardiovascular health by supporting healthy cholesterol levels already within normal range, helping to inhibit vascular inflammation, and more.

Add curcumin to your health regimen
No whole-body health regimen is complete without curcumin. So choose a formula made with highly-absorbable BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin®. Try once-daily Super Bio-Curcumin® today!

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Skin Restoring Ceramides (30)

Kr  384,- Fra Kr  365,-

Skin Restoring Ceramides
Den ultimate løsningen for ungdommelig, strålende hud

Best i klassen og en bestselger
Leter du etter hemmeligheten til ungdommelig, strålende hud som motvirker aldringstegnene? Se ikke lenger enn Skin Restoring Ceramides, den bestselgende muntlige tilskuddet som omdefinerer hudpleie. Her er hvorfor det er veien til sunnere, jevnere hud:

Lås opp kraften til ceramider:
Ceramider er din huds naturlige allierte, avgjørende for å opprettholde fuktighet og struktur. Dessverre, når vi blir eldre, synker naturlig nivået av ceramider, og huden vår blir sårbar for tidens påvirkning. Skin Restoring Ceramides er designet for å snu klokken tilbake.

Sunn hydrering, glødende hud:
En av de viktigste fordelene med våre Skin Restoring Ceramides er evnen til å låse inn fuktighet, hjelpe huden din med å beholde sunn hydrering. Si farvel til tørr, livløs hud og omfavne gløden av smidig, velnæret hud.

Glatt bort fine linjer og rynker:
Ceramider spiller en avgjørende rolle i å binde hudceller sammen. Når nivået av ceramider naturlig avtar med alderen, kan du legge merke til de uønskede fine linjene og rynkene. Vår banebrytende formel bidrar til å fylle på disse ceramidnivåene, noe som resulterer i jevnere hud og en merkbar reduksjon i aldringstegnene.

Ingredienser du kan stole på:
Vi er stolte av å hente kun de fineste råvarene, sikre renhet og styrke. Vårt engasjement for kvalitet betyr at flertallet av våre produkter er ikke-GMO og glutenfrie, og de produseres med stolthet i USA. Vi leverer en analysebevis for hvert produkt vi produserer, noe som gir deg full tillit til det du bruker.

Skjønnhet innenfra og ut:
Selv om din daglige hudpleierutine er viktig, starter ekte skjønnhet innenfra. Skin Restoring Ceramides er den perfekte komplementen til din anti-aldringsrutine, og gir næring til huden din dypt nede. Den utnytter kraften til ultrarent ceramidhveteolje, som er klinisk studert for sin imponerende effektivitet.

Støttet av kliniske studier:
Kliniske studier har vist imponerende resultater for ceramidtilskudd, inkludert forbedret hudhydrering, økt hudsmidighet og reduksjon av rynker. Ceramidhveteoljen som brukes i Skin Restoring Ceramides er den samme som ble studert i disse forsøkene, noe som sikrer at du opplever fordelene som støttes av vitenskapen.

Forny huden din, omfavn din ungdom:
Lås opp hemmeligheten til glatt, sunnere utseende hud ved å fornye den innenfra. Hudcellene dine fortjener det beste, og Skin Restoring Ceramides er her for å gi akkurat det. Si farvel til aldringstegnene og omfavn en mer ungdommelig og selvsikker versjon av deg selv.

Gjennomgått av Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD: Direktør for utdanning og talsperson for Life Extension.

Ceramider er fundamentet for hudens beskyttende barriere, ansvarlig for fuktighetsbevaring og generell hudhelse. Dessverre synker naturlig nivået av disse viktige ceramidene med alderen, noe som gjør det stadig vanskeligere å opprettholde ungdommelig, sunn hud.

Kliniske studier har vist bemerkelsesverdige fordeler ved ceramidtilskudd, inkludert forbedret hudhydrering, jevnere hudtekstur og redusert rynker. Skin Restoring Ceramides inneholder den samme ultrarene ceramidhveteoljen som ble studert i disse forsøkene, og sikrer at du nærer huden din fra innsiden.

Bli med de utallige individene som har oppdaget hemmeligheten til jevnere, sunnere hud. Prøv Skin Restoring Ceramides i dag og begi deg ut på reisen mot tidløs skjønnhet og selvtillit.

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Skin Care Collection Night Cream (melantonin)

Kr  695,- Fra Kr  660,-

Skin Care Collection Night Cream
Melatonin-based formula for nighttime skin rejuvenation

Support cell regeneration, replenish moisture and diminish signs of aging while you sleep with the melatonin-based Skin Care Collection Night Cream. Our Night Cream contains retinyl palmitate to trigger skin renewal and rice bran ceramides to enhance hydration. It also includes melatonin, a powerful free radical scavenger that supports healthy DNA and promotes skin rejuvenation. This youth-promoting lotion is designed to make your skin retain a soft, smooth look and feel.

  • Our Skin Care Collection Night Cream with melatonin acts like a “multivitamin,” nourishing youthful, vibrant skin.
  • Skin Care Collection Night Cream Benefits
  • Promotes hydration with ceramides from rice bran
  • Triggers skin-cell renewal with retinyl palmitate, a vitamin A derivative
  • Helps rejuvenate your skin with an ultra-rich melatonin-based formula
  • Supports photo-protection & promotes healthy DNA
  • Helps regenerate collagen & moisturize skin

Skin Support While You Sleep
Our Night Cream’s nighttime nourishment formula provides science-based botanicals with retinyl palmitate (1.0%) and ceramides (0.5%) to regenerate collagen and moisturize. It also includes melatonin to protect against oxidative stress and support skin health. Try our Night Cream to keep your skin from losing moisture, replenish your skin cells, and help retain the soft and smooth feel of healthy skin.

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Skin Care Collection Day Cream

Kr  891,- Fra Kr  846,-

Skin Care Collection Day Cream
Unique Skin Care Formula for Day-Time Skin Health Promotion

The formula in Skin Care Collection Day Cream:

  • Nourishes and moisturizes your skin
  • Acts like a multivitamin for your skin
  • Helps diminish the signs of aging
  • The unique formula in Skin Care Collection Day Cream uses extracts from shea butter, green tea leaf extract, and vitamins, to promote healthy skin and protection throughout the day.

FRESH-FACED- Want younger looking skin? Support cell regeneration and replenish moisture with our Skin Care Collection Day Cream. Fight the signs of aging with retinyl palmitate, which encourages the production of collagen, and supports skin elasticity, thickness and firmness.
ENCOURAGE COLLAGEN PRODUCTION - Plump skin cells can be yours with this advanced formula, which contains retinyl palmitate (1.0%), a form of vitamin A (retinol) that encourages collagen production--and supports against enzymes that contribute to signs of aging.
LOCK IN YOUTHFUL MOISTURE- Enhanced with rice bran ceramides (0.5%), lipid molecules that occur naturally in skin to help retain moisture and inhibit dryness and irritation. Shea butter, green tea leaf extract, vitamins and other topical nutrients help nourish your skin.
REDUCE THE APPEARANCE OF WRINKLES - Clinical evidence shows that green tea polyphenols support healthy DNA in the skin, which helps smooth the appearance of wrinkles. These nutrients also support overall skin quality for healthy, young looking skin.
LIVE YOUR HEALTHIEST LIFE - For over 40 years, we’ve been developing advanced, effective formulas made with the highest standards and based on the latest scientific findings. We believe the answers to a healthier, richer life are within reach, and that rigorous scientific research is the path to get us there. Our formulations are created using the exact ingredients and dosages used in the studies that inspired them, ensuring that maximum bioavailability and efficacy is achieved.

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Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum

Kr  1 069 Fra Kr  1 015

Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum
Anti-aging Serum for Youthful Looking Skin

The formula in Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum:

  • Promotes normal hydration
  • Absorbs quickly to deliver benefits deeper into the skin
  • Provides a rejuvenating peptide shown to enhance elasticity
  • Contains ceramides from rice bran to promote optimal hydration
  • Contributes to enhancement of skin elasticity
  • Is easily absorbed by the skin

The Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum formula can help maintain youthful looking skin by promoting cell regeneration, replenish moisture and skin hydration, and help to diminish the signs of aging.

Health Benefits at a Glance:
The unique formula in Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum can, when used under our day Day Cream and Night Cream from Life Extension’s Skin Care Collection, help you maintain youthful looking skin by promoting cell regeneration, skin moisturization, and help diminish visible signs of aging on the skin. Furthermore, the formula can support skin firmness and tone and help maintain skin flexibility and elasticity.

Why it Works:
As your body ages, you will naturally experience a loss of firmness of skin and see the gradual appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Life Extension's Skin Care Collection is an advanced skin renewal program which supports skin cell regeneration, replenish moisture, and help to diminish the signs of aging. One of the key components of this program is our unique Anti-Aging Serum. This powerful serum can enhance hydration, help rejuvenate and support skin firmness and tone and help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Hydration is increased with Oryza Ceramide which is made from rice bran and rice germ. It is rich in glycosphingolipids and hyaluronic acid which occurs naturally in the body to help retain collagen, increase moisture, and help provide elasticity and flexibility. Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum is designed to make your skin retain a soft, smooth look and feel, and should be used under the Day or Night Cream from Life Extension’s Skin Care Collection for additional skin restoration.

The Science Behind the Product:

  • Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum formula provides science-based botanicals, ceramides (0.5%), and a bioactive hexapeptide-11 (2.8%) which help tone your skin and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Oryza rice-bran ceramides(0.5%) generates a protective barrier that maintains skin hydration to further diminish wrinkling. Rice-bran ceramides prevent water loss and contribute to the skin’s protection against microbes and its protective barrier function.
  • Scientists published a three-week human study about the effectiveness of oryza rice-bran ceramides. It was reported that those study participants who applied the oryza rice-bran ceramide cream had better-hydrated skin 
  • Peptides are compounds that consist of two or more amino acids. In 2015, researchers published a study about the effectiveness of bioactive peptide known as hexapeptide-11. It was shown that peptide hexapeptide-11 plays a role in delaying markers of aging and enhancing elasticity to promote younger looking skin 

How to Use:
Apply a small amount to clean skin morning and/or night.

May be used alone or under moisturizer.
When using for the first time, it may take 10-15 pumps for the product to dispense as this product packaging utilizes airless pump technology. Please note there is no straw, or wand in the product

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Sink sugetabletter (60)

Kr  148,- Fra Kr  140,-

Sink sugetabletter 60 tabletter
Convenient Immune Health Support Lozenge

Zinc is a mineral that stimulates the activity of approximately 300 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in your body.These reactions are essential for the formation of superoxide dismutase, one of the body’s most important free radical scavengers. Zinc also promotes immune function, taste sensitivity, protein and DNA synthesis,insulin production,reproductive organ development and sperm motility. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Maintaining adequate levels of zinc is equally important to aging adults.As people grow older, their immune function declines, partly due to the decreasing size and function of the thymus gland. Evidence suggests that zinc may help to maintain healthy function of the thymus gland in elderly people. Scientists have also found evidence that a zinc deficiency in elderly adults may contribute to impaired immune function with aging, or immunosenescence.These findings suggest that zinc plays a critical role in supporting healthy immune function with age. Zinc Lozenges provide premium-grade zinc as gluconate and oxide in a pleasant citrus-orange naturally flavored lozenge.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. Kan være helseskadelig for barn og unge under 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Om ikke er angitt er anbefalt dosering 1 oppgitt enhet (tablett, kapsle, teskje, pose, dråpe eller sprut) dag
Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.  

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Shade Factor

Kr  777,- Fra Kr  736,-

Shade Factor (120 kapsler)
Beskytt huden din fra innsiden og ut.

Vårt Best i klassen Shade Factor™ oralt kosttilskudd bidrar til å beskytte helsa til huden din fra innsiden og ut, og fremmer sunn DNA før, under og etter UV-eksponering.

Hva er Shade Factor?
Selv moderat ultrafiolett eksponering kan ta en toll på hudens helse. Shade Factor™ er en oral formel som bruker tre ingredienser for å støtte kroppens naturlige immunrespons på UV-eksponering: niacinamid, Polypodium leucotomos-ekstrakt og Red Orange Complex™. Vårt hudtilskudd støtter sunn hud før, under og etter at du tilbringer tid utendørs. Shade Factor™ gir 500 mg niacinamid, en form for vitamin B3 med flere hudfordeler som fremmer sunn DNA.

Shade Factor™ fordeler

  • Støtter naturlig immunrespons på UV-eksponering
  • Fremmer sunn DNA før, under og etter UV-eksponering
  • Oppmuntrer til beskyttende ATP-produksjon
  • Øker cellulær energi

Fremmer sunn DNA før, under og etter UV-eksponering

Shade Factor™ gir 500 mg niacinamid, en form for vitamin B3 med flere hudfordeler som har vist seg å fremme sunn DNA før, under og etter UV-eksponering. Niacinamid spiller også en betydelig rolle i å støtte produksjonen av ATP (adenosintrifosfat), molekylet som frigjør energi som driver alle cellene dine og driver deres intracellulære maskineri. Dette er spesielt viktig ettersom ultrafiolett eksponering kan påvirke produksjonen av ATP i hudceller, noe som tapper disse cellene for energien som trengs for at deres beskyttelsesmekanismer skal fungere ordentlig. I kliniske studier har niacinamid vist seg å støtte kroppens naturlige immunrespons som trengs for å beskytte mot aldersrelaterte effekter av ultrafiolett eksponering.

Shade Factor™ inneholder også et ekstrakt av bregnen Polypodium leucotomos med mange beskyttende effekter på huden. I kliniske forsøk har dette ekstraktet bidratt til å hemme cellulære endringer i huden som kan føre til for tidlig aldring fra utendørsaktivitet, og det jobber også for å fremme sunn DNA før, under og etter ultrafiolett eksponering.

Støtter naturlig immunrespons på UV-eksponering
Shade Factor™ inneholder også Red Orange Complex™, et standardisert ekstrakt som er hentet fra tre røde appelsinvarianter. Rød appelsin ekstrakt er rikt på aktive fenoliske forbindelser med potent fri radikal nøytraliserende aktivitet, inkludert anthocyaniner, flavanoner og hydroksysyreforbindelser (samt askorbinsyre), som hjelper til med å støtte kroppens naturlige immunrespons og fremme sunn hud. Red Orange Complex™ komplementerer niacinamides DNA-beskyttende, immunstøttende effekter.

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Sea-Iodine, 1000 mcg, 60 vegetarian capsules

Kr  132,- Fra Kr  125,-

1000 mcg, 60 vegetarian capsules
Item Catalog Number:

For decades, Americans have been told to avoid table salt to reduce their risk of hypertension and related health conditions. But when iodized table salt is reduced, people can unknowingly lower their iodine intake to suboptimal levels. Analyses from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) show that urinary iodine levels have plummeted since the 1970s.

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SAMe 400mg (60), LE

Kr  1 104 Fra Kr  1 049

SAMe - Best Seller
400 mg, 60 enteric-coated vegetarian tablets

Mood, joint & liver support
Our Best Seller SAMe, or S-Adenosyl-Methionine, benefits many critical metabolic functions in the body. This amazing compound helps maintain a stable mood and supports both joint and liver health. Non-GMO Vegetarian

SAMe participates in many critical metabolic functions by donating methyl groups to other molecules. Methyl groups need to be transferred between compounds in the body to help with things like neurotransmitter signaling and protein function. Laboratory research has shown that SAMe levels appear to decline over time.
SAMe is a compound that has been studied by numerous scientists, researchers and even the U.S. government.

SAMe Benefits

  • Helps maintain stable mood
  • Promotes liver health
  • Supports healthy joint function

SAMe: Subject of Government Research
There is so much research on SAMe that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services conducted a meticulous evaluation of the evidence. The analysis showed that SAMe has helped maintain stable mood and joint function in several studies.

Product Details
S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe), is made naturally by your body. It participates in many critical metabolic functions by donating methyl groups to other molecules. Methyl groups need to be transferred between compounds in the body to help with things like neurotransmitter signaling and protein function.

Mood, joint & liver health
SAMe helps maintain stable mood and joint comfort. It also supports liver health, which is not surprising since a large portion of the body's SAMe is made in the liver. But SAMe levels decline over time. SAMe supports your body's antioxidant defenses by donating sulfur molecules to help with the production of glutathione, one of the body's most important natural antioxidants. There is so much research on SAMe that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services conducted a meticulous evaluation of the evidence. The analysis showed that SAMe has helped maintain stable mood and joint function in several studies. Supplementing with SAMe is one way to support the numerous bodily functions that depend on the fascinating biochemical properties of this vital molecule.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Resveratrol Elite™

Kr  296,- Fra Kr  281,-

Resveratrol Elite (30 vegetarian capsules)
Age like a fine wine with this ultra-bioavailable longevity nutrient

The anti-aging supplement resveratrol supports heart and brain health, while protecting your body from oxidative stress. But resveratrol has low bioavailability. Resveratrol Elite™ is specially formulated to be 10x more bioavailable, so you can make better use of this longevity nutrient. Gluten free Non-GMO Vegetarian

What is Resveratrol Elite™?
Trans-resveratrol—the form present in grapes and Japanese knotweed—is a great way to protect your cardiovascular, neurological, and metabolic systems from everyday aging. But very little of the resveratrol in a traditional resveratrol supplement is bioavailable. The fix: we’ve sheathed trans-resveratrol within a special hydrogel coating that makes it 10x more bioavailable, maximizing this longevity superstar’s potential health benefits.

Resveratrol promotes longevity by protecting every cell in your body, including your heart and brain…now with 10x greater bioavailability.

Resveratrol Elite™ Benefits

  • Longevity nutrient that promotes overall health
  • Provides 10x better bioavailability
  • Benefits heart, brain, and metabolic health
  • Protects your cells from oxidative stress

Better resveratrol—no red wine required
You’ve probably heard about research that red wine is good for you. We now know that the grapes from which red wine is made contain resveratrol, a polyphenol that promotes a wide range of health and longevity mechanisms. Ordinary resveratrol has very low bioavailability. We’ve solved this problem by combining trans-resveratrol (from Japanese knotweed) with a hydrogel coating of galactomannan fibers from fenugreek seeds. Doing this protects resveratrol once you’ve ingested it. This technology increases the bioavailability by a whopping 10x, meaning your body can use much more of this amazing longevity nutrient.

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Quick Brain Nootropic (30)

Kr  377,- Fra Kr  358,-

Quick Brain Nootropic
Once-a-day formula for cognition speed. For you, if you are looking for supporting the agile mind in everyday life.

The active ingredients in Quick Brain Nootropic can:

  • Promotes sharper mental alertness and accuracy
  • Supports improved learning and retention scores
  • Help encourage faster neural processing speeds
  • “Nootropic” is a nutrient that helps increase learning, cognition, and mental processing speed.
  • This formula combines three clinically-studied ingredients that promote neural processing speed, memory and concentration.

Health Benefits at a Glance:
We’ve all heard the term “think fast.” But what does that mean? Well, there are measurable processes in your brain that govern retention, recall and processing—and the right nutrients can support them all.

Why it Works:
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoid compounds found in high concentrations in the macula of your eye. In fact, measuring lutein and zeaxanthin levels in your eye is an excellent indicator of how much of these beneficial nutrients are present in your brain. That’s important because new research indicates these carotenoid compounds encourage quick thinking, memory, and cognitive function.

The Science Behind the Product:
Lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids
Because they are heavily concentrated in macular pigment, lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with eye health—but they are also found in the brain. This is significant because three, year-long, independent studies indicate that these carotenoids can also encourage improved spatial memory, reasoning skills and complex attention scores. These positive cognitive results appeared regardless of age: healthy older adults taking lutein and zeaxanthin saw increased measurements of their ability to filter out irrelevant information while multitasking—as well as increased activity in the left prefrontal area of the brain involved in understanding verbal information, forming long-term memories, focusing on challenges and more. Young people (ages 18 to 25) taking these carotenoid nutrients for six months also showed improved cognitive performance, as well as healthy levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor—a neurotransmitter modulating compound essential to healthy learning and memory formation.

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)
Gotu kola has been the subject of extensive research. 11 different studies showed that C. asiatica can help improve both alertness and mood health.5 However, it’s important to understand that traditional gotu kola extracts aren’t standardized—and this makes a big difference when you look at the results. A two-month study had healthy adults either take a gotu kola extract standardized to a naturally occurring compound called, “asiaticoside," or a placebo. The first group showed significant improvements in their working memory, word recognition, spatial memory and alertness. They also reported feeling calmer.

Water hyssop (Bacopa monnieri)
Bacopa monnieri extract is a very popular study aid, and for good reason. In one study, a group that ranged between 18 and 60 years old were given bacopa, daily. After only three months they began processing visual information faster, had better learning rates and easier memory consolidation—and even reported worrying less. Several studies of adults between the ages of 45 and 65 also indicated improved working memory, attention, and memory quality—in as little as four weeks. Additional improvements included visual processing speeds, verbal learning, as well as memory retention.

How to Use:
Take one (1) capsule daily, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Anbefalt døgndose bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskudd bør ikke erstatte et variert kosthold. Bør oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn
Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.


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PQQ 20mg (30)

Kr  526,- Fra Kr  499,-

Mitokondrier er den cellulære energigenerator som leverer nesten all kraft kroppen trenger for en sunn levetid. En mengde av publiserte studier understreker den kritiske viktigheten av mitokondriene til den generelle helse, særlig ettersom vi eldes. Energikrevende organer som hjertet og hjernen er tettpakket med mitokondrier. Inntil nylig var de eneste naturlige måter for aldrende enkeltpersoner, å øke antall mitokondrier i kroppen, langsiktig kaloribegrensning eller omfattende fysisk aktivitet - som er vanskelig eller upraktisk for folk flest å gjennomføre. PQQ tilbyr et levedyktig alternativ.


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Potassium with Extend-Release Magnesium (60)

Kr  246,- Fra Kr  233,-

Potassium with Extend-Release Magnesium (60 capsules)
Two-pronged mineral formula for blood pressure support

The active ingredients in Potassium with Extend-Release Magnesium:

  • Support healthy blood pressure already within normal range
  • Provide magnesium support that promotes healthy blood flow by relaxing the smooth muscles in your blood vessels 
  • Provide potassium which promotes cardiovascular health by supporting healthy vasodilation and encourages the body to expel sodium 
  • Offer powerful blood pressure support

Magnesium and potassium are both necessary in order to maintain healthy blood pressure already within normal range. However, most of us do not get enough of either these two crucial minerals through our diets. Life Extension® has combined both immediate and extended release magnesium with a healthy dose of potassium, which makes for a potent dual-action formula which provides potent blood pressure support.

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Plant-Based Multivitamin

Kr  623,- Fra Kr  592,-

Plant-Based Multivitamin 90 vegetarian capsules
A healthy dose of minerals and plant-derived vitamins

Our Plant-Based Multivitamin features a full array of plant-derived vitamins plus minerals to help you stay healthy from head to toe. Your body needs the nutrients from fruits and veggies to keep you healthy, but it is not always easy to eat enough of them. Our Plant-Based Multivitamin helps you fill those nutritional gaps by offering a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and 13 plant-derived powders and extracts that deliver the nutrition your body needs, from A to E. Healthy starts with the right nutrients. Our formula combines minerals and sustainably sourced, plant-derived vitamins.

Plant-Based Multivitamin benefits:

  • Get your daily dose of essential vitamins, minerals & nutrients
  • Phytonutrient equivalent to three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits
  • Encourages cellular health and a healthy immune response (and more)
  • Protects against oxidative stress, promoting bone, heart and brain health
  • Our non-GMO Vitamin D3 comes from algae (not animals!)

Like the rest of the nutrients in our Plant-Based Multivitamin, this vitamin D3 is also super vegetarian-friendly because it isn’t derived from animal sources—it comes from algae! Why algae? Other plant sources, like mushrooms, are rich in vitamin D2. And studies have shown that vitamin D3 is more effective at supporting blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (the primary circulating form of vitamin D in your blood) than vitamin D2.

Plant-Based Multivitamin
Why Should I Supplement With Plant-Based Multivitamin? These days more and more people are cutting meat out of their daily diet. But even if you eat more fruits and veggies, you'll still want to take a multivitamin to ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs. Our plant-based multivitamin caters to the nutritional needs of vegans, vegetarians, and anyone who wants to limit the amounts of meat in their diet. Non-GMO and gluten-free, this plant-based formula combines minerals in sustainably sourced plant-derived vitamins to provide 100% or more of the recommended daily allowance of nutrients that everybody needs. Get the most out of your multivitamin without compromising your food choices. Try Plant-Based Multivitamin from Life Extension today.

Reviewed By Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD: Director of Education and Spokesperson for Life Extension.

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PalmettoGuard Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol

Kr  459,- Fra Kr  436,-

PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol
Supports healthy prostate function & hormone metabolism (60 capsules)

  • SUPPORTING MEN’S HEALTH – It’s essential for men to maintain prostate health, especially as they age. Luckily, the saw palmetto tree produces berries that are rich in a bioactive compound called beta-sitosterol, which supports healthy urination and helps maintain healthy prostate structure and function.
  • SPICING THINGS UP – We’ve added rosemary extract to our formula because rosemary inhibits free radical activity. Oxidative stress is an often-overlooked factor when it comes to prostate health. We’ve also added boron because it promotes healthy hormone metabolism.
  • EVEN MORE BENEFITS FOR MEN – To help provide even more support for male prostate health, our experts added an extra boost of beta-sitosterol (from pine). There’s no better way to get the male health benefits of saw palmetto than this ultra-concentrated formula!
  • INGREDIENTS MATTER - Sourced using only the finest raw ingredients with the purity and potency your body deserves. This product is certified non-GMO and gluten-free. Manufactured in the USA and a Certificate of Analysis is available for every product we produce.
  • LIVE YOUR HEALTHIEST LIFE - For over 40 years, we’ve been developing advanced, effective formulas made with the highest standards and based on the latest scientific findings. We believe the answers to a healthier, richer life are within reach and that rigorous scientific research is the path to get us there. Or formulations are created using the exact ingredients and dosages used in the studies that inspired them, ensuring that maximum bioavailability and efficacy is achieved.

PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol supports a healthy prostate by combining saw palmetto extract with beta-sitosterol, nettle root extract, boron and rosemary.

What Is PalmettoGuard Saw Palmetto?
PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol includes a standardized extract of saw palmetto, nettle root and other innovative ingredients to support prostate health and a healthy hormonal metabolism. Decades of research indicate that the beta-sitosterol compound in saw palmetto helps promote men’s urinary health. PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol Benefits Supports men’s prostate health Helps maintain normal urinary health Promotes healthy hormone metabolism Nettle root extract provides additional prostate and urinary health support

What is the health benefit of saw palmetto?
Saw Palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) is rich in the bioactive compound beta-sitosterol, which has been found to help maintain urinary health. Why did we add nettle root extract? Nettle root (Urtica dioica) has been clinically studied to help men maintain normal urinary health and works synergistically with saw palmetto extract. Healthy Prostate Support Saw Palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) is rich in the bioactive compound called beta-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol promotes prostate health and function—as do nettle root extract and boron.

Product Details
Extracts of the Saw Palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) have been found to support men’s urinary health. The saw palmetto berry is rich in the bioactive compound beta-sitosterol, which has been found to help maintain normal urinary health. Beta-Sitosterol from palmetto and pine. PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Beta-Sitosterol combines saw palmetto extract with an added boost of beta-sitosterol (from pine) along with nettle root extract, boron and rosemary to support a healthy prostate. Nettle root, boron and more. Nettle root (Urtica dioica) has been clinically studied to help men maintain normal urinary health. Boron has been added to support healthy hormonal metabolism. A small amount of rosemary extract promotes antioxidant activity. This saw palmetto extract has been standardized to contain 136 milligrams total fatty acids and sterols per one softgel capsule.

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